
Top suggestions

    Sustainability Savings That Won't Cost The Earth

    Finding alternatives to single-use plastic isn't just about helping the environment, it's also about feeling great when you save a dime using reusable products instead. Here are some handy tips to help your hip pocket, and put a spring in your step knowing you're helping mother earth.

    Tip 1

    Try Tap

    Refill a reusable water bottle with tap water instead of forking our your hard earned for disposable water bottles.


    Tip 2

    Skip The Juice Bar

    Squeeze a little lemon, orange or fresh fruit juice into your water bottle. It's refreshing, healthy, and tastes great without the waste.

    Tip 3

    Side-step The Smoothie Shop

    Mix a delicious home-made smoothie in seconds and enjoy at home or pour into an insulated drink bottle to enjoy on-the-go later that day.
     Tip 4
    Refill A Food Pouch

    Refill baby food pouches with delicious home made fruit puree instead of buying baby food from the supermarket. Cheaper, healthy, and waste free!
    Tip 5

    Scrap The Wrap

    Stop buying plastic cling film to cover leftover food. Choose a non-toxic, reusable food wrap or bowl cover  and make sure it’s easy to clean in the washing machine.
     Tip 6
    Sustainable Sandwich Wrap

    Stop using plastic sandwich bags. Instead use reusable food wraps that are non-toxic and easy to clean.
     Tip 7
    Use a Cup That Cares

    Next time you visit your local barista take a reusable coffee cup for them to fill. Often they’ll offer a discount because they don’t have to supply cups (and you’re keeping disposable cups out of landfill).
    Tip 8

    Bring Your Own Beans

    BYO home-made coffee or tea in a spill-proof travel mug on the way to work and you could save up to $1000 otherwise spent on takeaway coffee's (assumes $4 average per coffee, 5 workdays a week, 50 weeks a year).
    Tip 9

    Pack You Own Snacks

    Pack a snack container with delicious fruit, nuts and nibbles and do a pirouette around the snack food vending machine.

    Tip 10

    Live Off Leftovers

    Want to enjoy a hot meal at work but on budget? Heat up last night's leftovers and pop into an insulated food container and voila, you'll be the envy of all.